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Step 1

EVERYONE:  Submit an AUDITION FORM prior to auditions.


Step 2

ADULTS ONLY:  Register for a time slot for the initial in-person audition here.

CHILDRENAttend cattle call on Sept. 10. See below for details.

COVID Precautions

SALT is mask optional for rehearsals and we do not require proof of vaccine status nor testing. Masks are not able to be worn during tech rehearsals and performances. 

Audition Date

ADULTS:  In-person auditions will take place via time slots at SALT's Chester Springs location (1645 Art School Rd, Chester Springs) on September 10 & 12, 2023. See above to register for a time slot. The callbacks take place if necessary and will be by invitation only. Callbacks will take place on the evening of September 14, also at SALT's Chester Springs location.


CHILDREN:  If auditioning for one of the von Trapp children (NOT Liesl or Rolf), attend the in-person audition session on Sept. 10 from 5-7PM at SALT Chester Springs. What to prepare is below. Video submissions will not be accepted. If you cannot make this date/time, we will hope to see you at future auditions for a different production. 


LIESL & ROLF:  If auditioning for Liesl or Rolf, attend the in-person audition session from 7-8PM on Sept. 10 at SALT Chester Springs. What to prepare is below. Video submissions will not be accepted. If you cannot make this date/time, we will hope to see you at future auditions for a different production. 

Performances & Rehearsals

Performances will take place at SALT's Chester Springs location on the weekends from December 1-17, 2023. We ask all cast members to reserve the Thursday evenings prior to these weekends for potential added performances. 


The Read Through will take place on the evening of Sept. 19 and rehearsals continue on Sunday afternoons & Tuesday/Thursday evenings. A detailed list of our rehearsal/production schedule can be found here. Please be sure to list all your personal schedule conflicts on your audition form.

Audition Format

ADULTS:  Be prepared to sing two cuts of music, 32 measures each, one ballad and one uptempo, either from the show or in the style of the show. Please have sheet music in a binder with cuts clearly marked for our accompanist. 

For those auditioning for the roles of Maria and Captain Georg von Trapp, showing guitar ability (or even accompanying yourself with guitar on one of your pieces) would be awesome, though not a requirement. Even if you're a total beginner on guitar, give it a shot! We've got a few months to get you there. (We will have a guitar on site if you don't own one and want to use it.)

For those wanting to be considered for the role of The Mother Abbess, go ahead and let one of your pieces be the end of Climb Ev'ry Mountain. :)

Please note: In-person auditions are MUCH preferred to video submissions.

If you are absolutely not available for the initial in-person auditions, you may submit a video to singing 2 song cuts that are 32 measures each (either from the show or in the style of the show with accompaniment). Deadline for video submissions is Sept. 9. Please put "Sound of Music Audition" in the subject of your email and introduce yourself in the video.


CHILDREN:  (NOT Liesl & Rolf) For the Sept. 10 5PM audition session, please be prepared to participate in a dance call & sing the following section of Do-Re-Mi

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long, long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow Sew
Tea, I drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re
Do Mi Mi
Mi So So
Re Fa Fa
La Ti Ti

(Please note: we are seeking children who have a classic musical theatre sound who can sing on pitch. Children will be double cast.)


LIESL & ROLF:  For the Sept. 10 7PM audition session, please be prepared to participate in a ballet-style dance call & sing the following section of Sixteen Going On Seventeen:

Rolf: You are sixteen going on seventeen, baby it's time to think
Better beware, be canny and careful, baby you're on the brink
You are sixteen going on seventeen, fellows will fall in line
Eager young lads, and roues and cads
Will offer you food and wine
Totally unprepared are you, to face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared are you, of things beyond your ken
You need someone older and wiser, telling you what to do
I am seventeen going on eighteen, I'll take care of you

Liesl: I am sixteen going on seventeen, I know that I'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet, and willingly I believe
I am sixteen going on seventeen, innocent as a rose
Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies, what do I know of those
Totally unprepared am I, to face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared am I, of things beyond my ken
I need someone older and wiser, telling me what to do
You are seventeen going on eighteen, I'll depend on you

(Please note: we are seeking performers stage age 16 & 17 who have a classic musical theatre sound who can dance ballet-style. Additionally, we would love Liesl to be able to play basic guitar for one song, though this is not a requirement. If you can display strumming a few chords, we will have a guitar on site.)

Character Descriptions

All roles are open and SALT encourages all performers to submit for any role regardless of type, gender, ability, race, ethnicity, sexuality, neurodiversity, and similarity to the source material or original Broadway cast. 


We are seeking to cast the following roles:


Maria Rainer – A Postulant at Nonnberg Abbey
The Mother Abbess
Sister Berthe – Mistress of Novices
Sister Margaretta – Mistress of Postulants
Sister Sophia
Captain Georg von Trapp
Franz – The butler
Frau Schmidt – The housekeeper
Liesl von Trapp –
Stage Age 16
Friedrich von Trapp – Stage Age 14
Louisa von Trapp – Stage Age 13
Kurt von Trapp – Stage Age 10
Brigitta von Trapp – Stage Age 9
Marta von Trapp – Stage Age 7
Gretl von Trapp – The youngest
Rolf Gruber – Stage Age 17
Elsa Schraeder
Max Detweiler
Herr Zeller
Baron Elberfeld
A New Postulant
Admiral von Schreiber
ENSEMBLE:  Neighbors of Captain von Trapp, nuns, novices, postulants, and contestants at the Festival Concert


This is a community theatre production performed on a volunteer basis.

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